GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) (Jun-2013 To May-2015)
Job Title:Senior web developer
Key role / responsibilities:
Worked as a contractor in GlaxoSmithKline for over 2 years, during which, my contract was renewed 5 times. I worked on various medium to multimillion websites. Most of the websites were built in MVC 4.0/5.0 version using C# (net 4/4.5) and angular. Few of the small sites were in SharePoint 2010 using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSON, and JS SP Services. I worked as alone developer as well as the team leader to finish one of largest project in short period of time.
Most of the web sites had bespoke CMS system to enter multi-language data. Google translator API’s were used in few of them to bring multi-language aspect. One large survey project with complex reporting was built by me alone and it took almost 8 months to complete the project. It included back-end coding, front-end designing, requirements gathering, database designing & training & documentations. The next big project was about venture of two Novartis & GSK and I was senior in the team to lead them and with hard effort, with the help of 5 other developers, we completed the project in record time. Majority of the sites were built to target desktop, mobiles and tablets in mind.