Santander UK (MAR-2019 To JUNE-2020)
Job Title: Senior front-ent developer
Key role / responsibilities:
In Santander, i have been working within agile team as a front-end developer, on their Retail, Business, Corporate & International Open banking. I finished integration of online systems with Java based API's. All systems are live and being used by third party OTP's. I built few dashboards for open banking software. All systems are browser compatible and works on all kind of devices. I transformed few legacy systems to modern Angular 8/9.
Since the start of this year, i have been working on secure logon using oAuth 2FA(two factor) authentication. All systems are also using local json based mock servers which helps other developers to run the systems on their local machines. All my work in Santander is public facing and all applications i built are SPA, modular, responsive, reusable code base, testable using units testing. All work was under Continuous integration delivery via Jenkins pipelines with Git versioning.